Bonjour From France

Bonjour From France

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aiding Sub-Saharan Africa

As of now aid for funding development in Sub-Saharan Africa is a very controversial issue that I can see both sides too. I think it is very important that other countries help Africa develop so they are not depended on the support of aid, but at the same time they cannot develop without the aid. Therefore, I take the side that we should continue to aid Sub-Saharan Africa. We are blessed with so many luxuries here and God calls us to share with those that are less fortunate. I think by helping this country develop along with sending aid is just one of the ways we can love our neighbors, as God commanded.

According to our textbook, foreign direct investment in has increased from 1990 to 2004. Many are optimistic about this statistic and it shows signs of economic renewal. This statics shows that by aiding a country we can help also in helping it to develop. If we continue to aid Sub-Saharan Africa then I think that we can help to continue in the development of this country.

Another reason according to our textbook that we should help aid Sub-Saharan Africa is because it is craving capital. This country is seen as too poor and unstable and therefore gets overlooked. Foreign investors also take advantage of low wages and put their money in other countries like Asia or Latin America. Therefore it is our job to help to aid them. They cannot defend themselves and cannot afford to be taken advantaged of. If more countries were to help aid Sub-Saharan Africa then maybe this would help them have higher prices and therefore could stand up themselves, leading to development.

The country is not depending on the aid just for daily living, but is using it for steps needed to work towards development. This shows me that they are taking advantage of aid but are using it wisely to develop their country. According to our book, many African countries have begun to privatize areas of the economy. This process can help lead to faster economic growth as well.

I also think that is kind of other countries, like the United States, send aid in other ways than money. I think that in order for a country to develop they are going to need more than money to develop. The used clothing trade supports economic growth because it employs many citizens along with supplying customers with affordable daily needs. The reason this trade exists is due to the fact that many people live on little money. If we continue to send aid and money we are also providing jobs, which provides more income for families. This will help to increase the price of daily living and can lead to development.

After reading the article, I also found it important to give aid with out a loan. I think that we should give from the heart of helping our neighbor. If we were to set a price of a loan for aid, then the country will be so busy trying to pay back the loan, that will take away from the attention of developing the country.

Also if we can help lend a hand in developing the country, it could also bring positive rewards for other countries. If we were to send aid and help them develop then later down the road we could benefit from trade from Africa. Also if we were to stop the aid that has been currently sending to Africa, this could have a negative effect on political relationships with Africa and other countries that use to support them.

It is very important to continue to aid Africa because if we can help to develop the country then they will be able to support themselves, and become less dependent on aid. Although it looks like the country will not be developed in the near future we must be patient because in the long run if they can develop Africa, it would lead to many benefits for other countries around the world.

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