The art of viewing movies helps us to be enlightened to the world around us and the events that are happening. Movies allow us to engage and expand our imagination along with experiencing new places that we may not be able to travel to in the world. Slumdog Millionaire allows us to see places, like India, in which most of us has never had the chance to travel to in our lifetimes. By seeing these movies, it also sparks our interest and excitement to travel. We are also not only able to see Geography, but experience daily life and people of that region.
Some movies do not accurately portray the region properly. Some movies make the regions look appealing to the movie audience, while there are few movies that portray the region in all aspects of daily life correctly.
Slumdog Millionaire portrays India as a very poor and rundown area. As they showed the cities from above, there were many poor houses all very close together. There were many people trying to live in any square foot of land they could. This region was very dirty and kids ran wild in the street. The area of India that the movie showed also showed the city very dirty. There was trash everywhere and the water was filthy. It looked like kids could die of infections from the unsanitary living conditions.
Not only did India have dirty and unsanitary living conditions, but also there was much violence in the town. Many citizens feared for their lives and families were broken apart. There was also much violence and people were treated as slaves and possessions. There was a very big gap between rich and poor. The rich had no respect for the poor. The rich took for granted the poor and used them as servants or for personal gain. Families were broken apart and even families were turned against each other.
The area was so poor that anyone would do anything for money. The movie even showed kids striving for money. They put money before their own personal safety. When the kids were giving tours, they did anything including going against morals such as lying to gain money. They even faced punishment and violence no matter what they did and risked it all in terms of money.
Violence also affected even the kids, and they were conditioned to love violence. The kids in the movie risked even their lives as they were captured and abused for a good meal and home. Kids were separated from their families at and early age and were forced to protect themselves and raise themselves. They fought for their own survival. Not only were they abused with violence but also they were forced to live in unsuitable living conditions.
Life in India was very risky and most citizens were forced to live one day at a time. No one knew if they would survive that day, but were forced to fight for survival amongst violence and dirty close living conditions.
This movie made me appreciate where we live in America. After seeing this movie, we forget even the little things in life we take for granted. This movie made me appreciate to live in safe environment where we are blessed to live in clean conditions with our families. We are blessed to not have to fear our life everyday.
After seeing this movie, it not only made me thankful for living in America but it also opens are eyes for life around us. This movie opens our eyes and encouraged me to help those who are less fortunate than us. God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves, along with spreading the good news of His love.
This movie portrays life in India very accurately along with opening our eyes to Geography and the world around us. Movies cannot only be watched for enjoyment but also can be used as a learning lesson about the world and events around us.
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